Drop-in Sessions Q&A:

At the start of all terms in the academic year, we hold drop-in training sessions and provide assistance with Canvas and learning technologies available at UBC for the Faculty of Applied Science – faculty, instructors and teaching assistants are welcome to join and have their questions answered.

Watch the videos provided on this page, then click on “Register for a session” or “Book an Appointment”  below to join our sessions to have your questions answered.


TA Canvas Training Sessions - Faculty of Applied Science UBC

  • APSC CIS is offering these sessions throughout first few weeks of January 2024. Space is limited. After signing up for the session, you will receive the Zoom invite link in your email. Please add the link to your calendar for the dates you attend- we do not send reminders!
  • Use UBC email. Confirmation might not be sent.to other email addresses. You will receive a confirmation email including the zoom link at this address.
  • Please list the department(s) and course code(s) (e.g. APSC 101) you will be working on for the current or upcoming term. If you do not have a specific course in mind, please type N/A.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Watch the following video

Length of this video 52:31 - Recording from Sep 4th 2020
PS UBC is using Zoom - no more the BB Collaborate.


Length of this video 54:01 - Recording from Jan. 20th, 2021
PS UBC APSC members are using LockdownBrowser for invigilating quizzes and not Proctorio.

Sep. 20th, 2021: It is now recommended to start creating "New Quizzes". "New Quizzes" in Canvas is now reliable and bug-free. "New Quizzes" also have a much user-friendlier interface and are simpler to create, edit and manage. Canvas will be moving away from "Classic Quizzes," eventually removing them completely.

Length of this video 2:47 - New updates on Rich Content Editor (RCE) – UBC Updated Dec. 2020
Click on "Register for a session" below - after you watched the videos provided on this page.
Join our sessions to have your questions answered.

TA Canvas Training Sessions - Faculty of Applied Science UBC

  • APSC CIS is offering these sessions throughout first few weeks of January 2024. Space is limited. After signing up for the session, you will receive the Zoom invite link in your email. Please add the link to your calendar for the dates you attend- we do not send reminders!
  • Use UBC email. Confirmation might not be sent.to other email addresses. You will receive a confirmation email including the zoom link at this address.
  • Please list the department(s) and course code(s) (e.g. APSC 101) you will be working on for the current or upcoming term. If you do not have a specific course in mind, please type N/A.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

If none of the above workshop dates and times work with your schedule, please make a request for a Canvas training session or Book an appointment below link: